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Portugal Ranks Number 1

A Game-Changer for Global Citizens

August 21, 2024

Portugal Ranks No. 1 Globally for Residency Services: A Game-Changer for Global Citizens

In a rapidly evolving global landscape, where the pursuit of a better quality of life, financial security, and seamless mobility is paramount, choosing the right residency program has become a critical decision for individuals and families alike. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, finding a destination that offers not only stability but also a high standard of living and economic benefits is key. According to the latest Henley & Partners Global Residence Program Index, Portugal has emerged as the leading destination for global residency seekers, securing the top spot among the world's most sought-after programs. In a recent conversation with CEO of Bluxe Global Joseph Farodoye, Ahmad Dajani, a senior consultant at Henley & Partners, confirmed that Portugal has significantly improved its positioning over the past 24 months, resulting in a notable increase in residency applications.

Portugal: A Beacon of Opportunity

Portugal's ascension to the number one position in the Henley & Partners Global Residence Program Index is no accident. This achievement is the result of a meticulously crafted residency program that strikes a perfect balance between reputation, quality of life, and a favourable tax regime. The index takes into account several critical factors that influence the attractiveness of a residency program, including visa-free or visa-on-arrival access, processing time, compliance, investment requirements, total costs, time to citizenship, and citizenship requirements. Portugal's program excels across the board, making it the premier choice for global citizens.

Reputation and Quality of Life: Portugal is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and welcoming community. The country's reputation as a safe, peaceful, and friendly destination is well-deserved. Portugal consistently ranks high in global indices for quality of life, with excellent healthcare, education, and infrastructure. The warm climate, vibrant cities, and tranquil countryside make it an ideal place to live, work, and raise a family.

Favourable Tax Regime: One of the standout features of Portugal's residency program is its favourable tax regime. The Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) tax scheme offers significant tax benefits, particularly for retirees and high-net-worth individuals. With no wealth tax, no inheritance or gift tax, and a flat 20% tax rate on certain types of income, Portugal presents a compelling case for those looking to optimize their tax situation while enjoying a high standard of living.

Ease of Access and Citizenship Pathway: The Portuguese residency program is designed with efficiency and accessibility in mind. The processing time is relatively swift, and the investment requirements are competitive, making it accessible to a broad range of investors. Moreover, Portugal offers a clear and attainable pathway to citizenship, with one of the shortest timeframes in Europe. After just five years of legal residency, individuals can apply for citizenship, unlocking the benefits of a European Union passport.


Innovating with the New Golden Visa and Cryptocurrency Integration

In a bold move that sets it apart from other global residency programs, Portugal has recently introduced a groundbreaking addition to its Golden Visa scheme—allowing investments in cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin, as part of the residency program. This forward-thinking initiative positions Portugal at the cutting edge of global finance, catering to the growing community of digital asset investors. As one of the first countries in the world to integrate cryptocurrency into its residency offerings, Portugal is not only embracing the future of finance but also providing a unique opportunity for investors to diversify their portfolios while securing a pathway to European residency. This innovation underscores Portugal’s commitment to remaining a leader in global mobility and economic opportunity, making it an even more attractive destination for modern investors seeking both lifestyle and financial advantages.

Top Three Ranked Countries

While Portugal leads the way, other countries also offer attractive residency programs, each with its unique advantages:

  1. Portugal – As detailed, Portugal offers an unparalleled blend of quality of life, favourable taxation, and ease of access, making it the top choice for residency seekers.
  2. Spain – Spain ranks highly due to its robust economy, high standard of living, and comprehensive healthcare system. The Golden Visa program offers a straightforward path to residency, with a focus on real estate investment. Spain's vibrant culture, diverse landscapes, and strategic location in Europe make it a strong contender.
  3. Greece – Greece has emerged as a popular destination for its affordable cost of living, rich history, and stunning Mediterranean coastline. The Greek Golden Visa program is particularly attractive to investors, offering residency through real estate investment with one of the lowest investment thresholds in Europe. Greece also offers a favourable tax environment for retirees.


Our Commitment to Your Global Mobility

At Bluxe Global, we understand that choosing the right residency program is a life-changing decision. Our comprehensive services are designed to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish. Whether you're drawn to Portugal's unbeatable combination of quality of life and tax benefits, or you're considering other top-ranked countries, our network and strategic partners are here to assist you.

We offer personalised consultations to help you navigate the complexities of each program, from understanding investment requirements to managing the application process. Our goal is to empower you to make informed decisions that align with your personal and financial objectives. With our support, you can confidently embark on your journey to global citizenship, knowing that you're in the best possible hands.

Portugal's rise to the top is a testament to the country's commitment to offering a world-class residency program. If you're considering a move that could transform your lifestyle and broaden your horizons, there's never been a better time to explore the opportunities that Portugal and other leading destinations have to offer. Let us help you turn your global mobility aspirations into reality.

Written by

Joseph Farodoye 

CEO | Chief Thinker and Global Citizenship

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